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Pass Manager
Telegram bot, written in Rust, that manages your passwords
This bot has to be self hosted. No official instance exists. To host this bot you have to:
Clone this repository
Create .env file in the root of the repository and add your token
Start the bot using docker compose
docker compose up -d
- Scrypt is used to store and verify the master password
- PBKDF2 is used to get a 256 bit key for encryption
- ChaCha20-Poly1305 is used to encrypt logins and passwords
These commands are supported:
- /start — displays the welcome message
- /help — displays this text
- /set_master_pass — sets the master password
- /menu — gives you a menu to manage your accounts
- /add_account — adds the account
- /get_account — gets the account
- /get_accounts — gets a list of accounts
- /delete — deletes the account
- /delete_all — deletes all the accounts and the master password
- /export — exports all the accounts in a json file
- /import — loads the accounts from a json file
- /gen_password — generates 10 secure passwords
- /cancel — cancels the current action
- /change_language - allows you to change the language